Handful of Stars

Handful of Stars, mixed media outsider art painting on 18x24" canvas. $270.

Handful of Stars, mixed media outsider art painting on 18×24″ canvas. $270.

This is one of those paintings that didn’t want to come together for ages, until it suddenly did. I’d like to figure out what it is that sparks that resolution, because it would make my painting process a lot faster! And then this little lady lingered on the easel all summer because I’ve been so busy I didn’t have time to put the finishing touches on her. It was great to get back into the studio last week and finally finish her. This isn’t a very good photo, because I snapped it hastily before she went off to People’s Art in Portland for their So Many Days, So Many Dead show that opens on October 17. The show hangs until November 15, so stop by to see her and three more of my paintings in person!